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▶️ External tutorials and courses in several languages
▶️ External tutorials and courses in several languages
Check out the external Shapespark resources in several languages.
Video tutorials (English)
Shapespark overview
Adding interactions to your walkthrough
Video textures
Video tutorials in Portuguese (Tutoriais em vídeo em português)
Introdução do Shapespark
Video tutorials in Spanish (Video tutoriales en español)
Introducción al Shapespark
¿Cómo configurar materiales?
¿Cómo configurar las luces?
Video tutorials in Italian (Video tutorial in italiano)
Dimostrazione online ShapeSpark per SketchUp
Online courses in Portuguese (Cursos online em português)
Curso de Shapespark para passeios interativos de Arquitetura na WEB by Tiago Vaz
Shapespark para maquetes 3D interativas - Curso Udemy by Alexandre Venancio Martins
Video tutorials in Polish
SketchUp - VR w przeglądarce
Online courses in Arabic
قم بتحويل تصميمك لبيئة تجول للعميل يتحرك فيها و يتفاعل مع عناصر التصميمات من تغير خامات و عناصر الفرش by Mohamed wageh