❕ Use a Shapespark 3ds Max plugin to export your model.
(The plugin will be installed automatically together with the Shapepark program. Both the 3ds Max and Shapespark applications should be running during the export.)
To export your 3D model from 3ds Max to Shapespark follow the steps:
Make sure the Shapespark application is running.
Open the 3ds Max model.
From the main menu bar open the Shapespark menu, and click on the Export to Shapespark item to open the export dialog:
Configure the export:
- Export Type - Selects if a new scene is created or an existing scene is updated.
- Scene Name - The name of the scene in Shapespark.
Press OK to start the export, and wait for it to finish.
The exported scene is now added to the list of scenes in Shapespark.
⚠️ Export issues
If the model imported to Shapespark does not match the original 3ds Max model, check the following potential issues and their solutions.
Material properties are missing
The plugin supports only certain properties of Scanline and V-Ray materials.
If your find that some important Scanline/V-Ray material property is not exported, contact us at support@shapespark.com, and we will analyze if we could add support for it. If the property missing is base color map, you may simplify the material setup, for example by removing intermediate nodes, and connecting the map node directly to the Diffuse input socket of the material node.
If your 3D model uses other material family than Scanline/V-Ray, convert the materials to a supported family before the export. The conversion process can be automated with a material converting script like V-RayMtl Converter (paid) or Universal Material Converter (paid).
Some objects are missing
Not all 3ds Max object types are handled by the plugin. If a 3ds Max object is missing in Shapespark, convert it to Editable Mesh or Editable Poly using the Convert To item in the right-click object menu, then retry the export.
Some textures have a wrong scale/tiling
Shapespark assumes UV mapping for base color textures is in the first UV channel. Make sure Bitmaps and corresponding UVW Map modifiers use Map Channel = 1.